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Designer sells “Norwegian-Palestine” flag



Designer sells “Norwegian-Palestine” flag

See how the authorities and others react.

In Norwegian: Selger «Norsk-Palestina» flagg

“Norwegian-Palestine” flag

“This flag can’t possibly be legal!?” asks one of Verdinytt’s many readers and sends the editors a photo from a balcony in the south of Oslo, Norway.

– I saw that it was a Palestinian flag, but then the wind took hold of it, I saw that there was also a Norwegian flag there – and that the two flags were one, says the person who photographed the balcony flag.

Political? Ideological? Religious? Desecration of the flag?

The online newspaper (Christian Value News) has spoken to the person who designed and sells the “Norwegian-Palestine” flag in an online store. What is the background, thoughts and intentions?

In the online store, it is mentioned, among other things, that “our flag is a harmonious union of the Norwegian and Palestinian flag’s symbolism, which celebrates both Norwegian culture and Palestinian heritage.”


Verdinytt has also obtained reactions from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD), which administers the flag act and flag regulations in Norway.

But first we have to look back more than 200 years in Norwegian history.

The Norwegian flag – a symbol of freedom

The Norwegian Parliament’s website tells the story of the Norwegian flag:

“In May 1821, the Storting (The Norwegian Parliament) adopted the Norwegian flag we know today. After thorough debate, and as many as 18 proposals to consider, The Parliament concluded that they wanted the red, white and blue flag – a symbol of freedom.

The Norwegian flag was chosen by the people’s representatives, and is one of the strongest national symbols of our community and people’s government.



The Norwegian flag has a dark blue Nordic cross with white edges on a red background. The flag was designed by Frederik Meltzer and adopted by the Storting 203 years ago, on 17 May 1821.”

The Palestinian flag

Was originally designed by Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca for the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire in 1916. In 1917, the Palestinians were the first to raise this flag of the Arab National Movement, and later as the Palestinian flag. The flag was re-adopted as the flag of the Palestinian people in 1964 by the PLO. Today, the flag is in widespread use in the areas administered by the Palestinian Authority.

The flag consists of three equally wide horizontal stripes (black, white and green from top to bottom), with a red triangle.

And it is this red triangle that a designer living in Oslo has replaced in the “Norwegian-Palestine” flag with the Norwegian flag.

President of The Parliament

The parliament’s presidency consists of six people, where the supreme leader is the president of the parliament, Iranian-born Masud Gharahkhani, who came to Norway as a five-year-old.



Gharahkhani is on a business trip to another continent this week. The communications department at the parliament forwards (Christian Value News) to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which administers the flag act and flag regulations in Norway.

“Lasts forever”

On the Norwegian website where the “Norwegian-Palestine” flag is sold, it is described, among other things, as follows:

“Our flag is a harmonious union of the Norwegian and Palestinian flag’s symbolism, which celebrates both Norwegian culture and Palestinian heritage. This flag is a symbol of solidarity and respect for the strong friendship between Norway and Palestine and we are proud to be able to share it with our community.”

The flag is 60×90 cm. and made of polyester. “Lasts forever!”, says the sales ad.

“To show love for Norway and Palestine”

The man who owns the online store and designed the flag answers the phone when we call. He would like to explain why he made this flag. But he doesn’t want us to use his name.

– What is your thought and idea behind this flag?

– Norway has recently recognized Palestine as its own state. I really appreciated it, since I was born and raised there. So this flag is a good opportunity to show that love between the countries.

– What does the flag symbolize for you?

– The flag shows the support that the Norwegian people show to the Palestinian people. It is only about the relationship between the Palestinians and Norwegians. The support that has been shown from the Norwegian people is quite exponent.

– Your online store is described as “Your destination for clothing that carries the message of solidarity and support for Gaza. Our selection of garments not only screams style, but also the message of freedom and justice for Gaza”?

– You can call it political if you want, but it is about the people.

– It also says on the website that “With every trade you also support our important work, where the profit goes directly to Gaza to contribute to important projects and emergency aid through Imdad Relief.” This is an organization with islamic values. Are the flag and the online store also about religion?

– This is about human dignity. We do not sell hijabs and kippa and such, we are not religiously based.

“A flag is what you make of it”

– In the flag you have made and are selling, the Palestinian and Norwegian flags are mixed together. Have you asked the Norwegian authorities if it is okay to use the Norwegian flag commercially in this way?

– What is a flag? A flag is what you make it. For me, a flag can only be a flag that can hang on the wall. For you, it may mean something completely different. People I talk to who see this flag think it’s really nice. And a good opportunity to show the support that the Norwegian people show to the Palestinian people.

Says the flag designer, who again emphasizes that he does not want us to use his name.

– An abuse of our common symbol as a people and a nation

Dag Øyvind Juliussen heads the Norwegian branch of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem (ICEJ), is very critical of this flag

– The beautiful Norwegian flag is a common symbol for our nation, heritage and history. The Palestinian Arab flag, on the other hand, has been a symbol for the PLO, i.e. a symbol for violence, terror and the annihilation of Israel. This flag is a misuse of our Norwegian flag and our common identity, says Juliussen.

This is how the Norwegian authorities react

– How does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs view the Norwegian flag being sewn into and used in a “Norwegian-Palestinian” flag?

– There are many examples of designers in various contexts mixing together elements from several national flags. This is not illegal, although some may think that it is not so-called “good flag etiquette”, replies communication adviser Guri Solberg in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

– Is it permitted to use the Norwegian flag in commercial products?

– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the Flag Act and the Flag Regulations. Section 1 of the Flag Act defines the design and colors of the Norwegian flag. A similar provision can be found in the Flag Regulations. Only flags designed in accordance with these provisions constitute the Norwegian flag.

– So a Norwegian flag that is mixed in with another flag and no longer has the same design as the Norwegian flag should have, falls outside the regulations?

– Neither the Flag Act nor the Flag Regulations have provisions regulating private use of the Norwegian flag. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is responsible for the Flag Act and the Flag Regulations, therefore has no legal basis to take action in this matter, replies communications adviser Solberg.

Further down the page you will find links to all the news stories we have written about this flag – and the reactions – in Norwegian.

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