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Anti-Doping Norway to host international conference | Antidoping Norge



Anti-Doping Norway to host international conference | Antidoping Norge

Anti-Doping Norway and the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services will host a conference on the subject of doping and public health from 7-9th of June 2017.

WADA, The Norwegian Directorate of Health, The Norwegian Ministry of Culture and The National Police Directorate will be co-hosting the event.

Specific information about the program and registration will follow soon. Save the dates!

The conference will be held at Thon Hotel Ullevaal Stadion in Oslo, and is suitable for NADOs, law enforcement, health personnel, researchers and fitness professionals.

-Anti-Doping Norway has been a driving force in the international work against doping in sports. Now we have a great opportunity to make our mark on the subject of doping as a public health issue, says Fredrik Lauritzen, director of prevention and public health.

The following subjects are on the agenda:

Adverse effects of AAS

Law enforcement

Nutritional and performance enhancing supplements

Prevention and education

The fitness center industry

Programs for regional and local governments

Medical treatment of disorders related to doping

More information about the international conference.

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